How to Know When to Change Your Oil at TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires
March 28, 2021
Today in the TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires auto care blog, we're going to talk to Royal Oak drivers about oil change intervals. It seems that as engine technology advances, oil change intervals become longer for TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires customers. For example, recently four of the w... More

The Edible Engine
March 21, 2021
You may have had a friend whose vehicle was the victim of hungry rodents. After all, mice, rats and squirrelseven rabbitshave been known to gnaw on wires in engine compartments, causing vehicle electrical systems to go haywire. They can disable a vehicle completely and be very expensive to fix.... More

A Turn for the Worse (Using Turn Signals)
March 14, 2021
Distracted driving is bad, you know that. Daydreaming, talking on the cell phone, putting your makeup on in the rear view mirror. All bad. But there's something else that causes more than twice as many accidents, according to a recent study. And that's people who don't use their turn signals.... More

A Honking Big Jam (Stuck Horn)
March 7, 2021
At one time or another, most drivers honk their horn at someone who might be texting at a stoplight or not paying attention when they're driving. But what happens when you tap on your horn and all of a sudden it won't quit? Everyone's looking at you like you're an angry jerk and all you want to ... More